Our Beauty Therapists

Vivienne Freeman

Holistic Beauty, Health, Detox and Massage Therapist

Viv is one of professional Derma / Beauty Therapists and Naturopath with 30 year experience and is dedicated to giving you a complete professional beauty service as well as specialised healing, massage and cleansing detox services.

The Intraceuticals Oxygen facials available at Azula are not your average facials - the attention to detail you receive will see you absolutely delighted with the results of your skin. This Oxygen Therapy treatment is not only for instant results - a series of these facials will completely refresh your skin. Leaving it plump, smooth and hydrated.

Viv offers comprehensive and holistic consultations in the following: Naturopathy and Complementary Medicine, Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT trained), Shiatsu, Dry Needling, Personalised Cleansing Detox ProgramsCranioSacral Therapy, Infared Sauna. Working with Viv is a true holistic and wellness approach to have you looking and feeling your absolute best and acknowledges the complete factors that affect the appearance of your skin.

Photo ofVivienne Freeman
Vivienne Freeman
Job Title
Azula Beauty and Body Cleansing Clinic
1/3A Banksia Drive,
Byron Bay, NSW, 2481